Merlin, the Lady of the Lake, and the forging of Excalibur - there's a cost to making a King.
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So I love holidays in hot countries, and I love Asia. Vietnam’s been on our to-do list for years and we finally got there! We flew to Hanoi, spent a night cruising in Halong Bay – so beautiful, and then travelled to Hue, Hoi An, Dalat and Ho Chi Minh. This boat was ours and it was awesome – only 14 or so people on board, nice and friendly, great food, and lots of fun. We kayaked, visited an amazing cave and walked up a lot of steps to a viewing point.
I think Halong Bay and Hoi An were my highlights, but Ho Chi Minh was great too – lots to see. We visited the Cu Chi tunnels, which was both amazing and depressing – the VC inhabited these in the WWII and the Vietnam War – or the American War as they call it.
Yes, we climbed this in 30 degree C heat.
Dalat was in the mountains and was consequently cooler, but I missed those crazy temps and humidity. However Dalat was great – we did a great cable car ride to a beautiful working monastery, and a mad luge ride to a waterfall.
And it was so quiet!
And of course, because we love beer, we found some fab craft beer pubs. Their beer was amazing! And very creatively named – Kurtz’s Insane IPA anyone?
After three weeks off I got down to some serious writing! Book 1 is with my editor, the cover design is almost there- and it’s looking great, can’t wait to share it with you! And I am half way through writing book 2 – Magic Unbound. The story’s rocking along and I’m pretty pleased with it. Just under 2000 words today.
Hoping to release book 1 mid November, but we’ll see! Book 2 should be early January. Keep your fingers crossed – I’ll be releasing some snippets soon.
In the meantime, happy reading! And by the way, I’m on BookBub, so follow me there to keep track of releases and book reviews.